Qofte patatesh te pjekura me jogurt dhe salcë Domate Mashed potatoes on yoghurt and salcë Domate sauce
Perime te skuqura me miell qiqrash dhe salce/ Vegetables fried in corn flour with sauce
Qepe te skuqura me miell qiqrash dhe salce pikante/ Onion rings in chickpea flour and spicy mayo
Byrecka me qingj dhe perime/ Indian pie filled with lamb and vegetables
Spring roll me qingj ose pule/ Checken or Lamb spring rolls
Pete e mbushur me karkaleca / Shrimp Dumplings
Kroketa karkaleci ne lemongrass bamboo
Copa pule te skuqura me miell qiqrash/ Chicken chops deep fried with chickpea flour
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